Save Money on Your Taxes
with Non-Cash Donations
As Chief Executive Officer, I am the person responsible for cultivating relationships with individuals who may be interested in donating a gift-in-kind. I work alongside our board to develop and carry out our strategic plan that includes mechanisms for potential donors to make planned gifts. My perseverance, commitment to the mission, and passion for nonprofit work is what fuels our success. I’d be happy to sit down, get to know you in person, and share more information about our in-kind gifts program with you. If you’re interested in learning more about donating gifts-in-kind, let’s grab a cup of coffee soon!
Julie Wukelic, MBA
Chief Executive Officer
Meet Our Chief Executive Officer
Making an In-Kind Gift
The process for making an in-kind gift is different depending upon the type of in-kind gift. If the nature and purpose of your gift are large, you will be asked to sign an in-kind gift document that outlines the intended purpose of the gift and expectations for how the Foundation will fulfill this purpose. For smaller donations, an online form will help to provide a description of the gift and its fair market value. The Foundation will provide you with a gift acknowledgment form to document your gift for tax purposes.
If you’re considering making an in-kind gift to Believe in Me, please contact our Chief Executive Officer to make an appointment to discuss the details of the asset transfer.
Gifts from donors can come in many different forms. In-kind gifts are donations of goods, services, or time, in lieu of cash. In-kind gifts can be both tangible and intangible. Gifts-in-kind are an important source of revenue, especially during times of economic downturn. In-kind donations are also a good way to cultivate support and build capacity for Believe in Me (the Foundation) while freeing up our cash for other operating expenses.
Examples of In-Kind Gifts
Equipment: capital assets, expensed equipment, office equipment, machinery, computers
Services: printing, marketing, accounting, videotaping
Loaned Labor: a type of corporate sponsorship whereby an employee with a specific skill or expertise is loaned out to a nonprofit to work on a short-term project or program
Auction Items: new or used items are donated to a nonprofit to be auctioned off at a fundraiser
Giveaway Items: tchotchke given to the Foundation to place inside giveaway bags for door prizes, etc.
What are In-Kind Gifts?
As Development Director I oversee all of the organization's fundraising and help manage relationships with our company's financial partners. My quests include planning fundraising events, interacting with new & former donors to encourage ongoing contributions, and helping seek out opportunities for financial support through grants, sponsorships, long-term giving - qualified charitable distribution, and more. I enjoy collaborating with others on projects and use my attention to detail to help coordinate large-scale events. I also want to maintain a respectful reputation for our Believe in Me Foundation and any nonprofit we represent. After all, it is all about giving back to those kids less fortunate than ourselves.
Paul Sorensen
Development Director